The volumes of both journals can be downloaded as pdf-files:
Below the individual articles of the English journal. For the individual articles of the Arabic journal, click here.
Volume 7 (2020).
Massage from the Editor, By Michael Parker. (pdf).
The Development of the Sudan Pioneer Mission into a Mission among the Nile-Nubians, By Gerald Lauche (pdf).
A History of Syriac Christianity, Part II, By Heleen Murre-van den Berg (pdf)
Theological Education and Contemporary Challenges, By Dr. George Sabra (pdf).
Kenneth Bailey’s Inaugural Lecture At the Opening of the CMEC (pdf)
Confession of Faith, By Michael Parker (pdf).
Book Review:Paul: A Biography, By N.T. Wright (pdf).
Volume 6 (2019).
Massage from the Editor, By Michael Parker (pdf).
The 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing, By Michael Parker (pdf).
Evangelism and Postmodernism, By Maher Samuel (pdf).
Book Review: An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story, By Jeremy L. Sabella (pdf).
A History of Syriac Christianity, Part I, by Heleen Murre-van den Berg (pdf)
Volume 5 (2018).
Message from the Editor: Completing the Five Solas of the Reformation … and Other Things, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Sola Scriptura/ Scripture alone, by Atef Gendy (pdf)
Sola Fidei, by Youssef Samir (pdf)
Christianity and the Secularization of Africa, by Benson Ohihon Igboin (pdf)
Book Review: Martin Luther By Eric Metaxas, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Volume 4 (2017)
The Five Solas
Message from the Editor: The Five Solas of the Reformation, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Sola Gratia, by Darren Kennedy (pdf)
Solus Christus, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Soli Deo Gloria, by Tharwat Wabeeb (pdf)
Byzantine Iconoclasm and the Defenders of Icons: John of Damascus and Theodore the Studite, by Iakovos Menelaou (pdf)
Volume 3 (2016)
Following Up on the 150th Anniversary of the Van Dyck Bible
Message from the Editor: Following Up on the 150th Anniversary of the Van Dyck Bible, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Globalization, Christianity, and the Middle East, by Heleen Murre-van den Berg (pdf)
The Long-Term Influence of American Bible Translations in the Middle East, by Heleen Murre-van den Berg (pdf)
Islamic Terminology in Christian Arabic: The Use of the Term Sunna, by Rocio Daga Portillo (pdf)
The Book of Job between Hebrew and Arabic, by bishop Makar (pdf)
Book Review: Review of Submission by Michel Houellebecq, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Volume 2 (2015)
Secularization and Discipleship in Africa
Message from the Editor: Secularization in Africa, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Secularization in Africa: A Research Desideratum, by Herman Paul (pdf)
Western Secularism, African Worldviews, and the Church, by Dick Seed (pdf)
Sociological and Theological Perspectives on Secularization in Africa, by Abel Ngarsouledé (pdf)
African Neo-Pentecostalism in the Face of Secularization: Problems and Possibilities, by Benno van den Toren (pdf)
Thinking about Discipleship in Changing Contexts: Perceptions of Church Leaders of an Episcopal Diocese in South Sudan, by Jacob Haasnoot (pdf)
Growing in Christ on African Soil: Thoughts on Enhancing the Contextualization of Discipleship Training in Rwanda, by Adriaan Verwijs (pdf)
Secularization and Discipleship in Africa: Conclusions and Recommendations, by Benno van den Toren and Willem J. de Wit (pdf)
150 Years of the Van Dyck Bible
Message from the Editor: 150 Years of the Van Dyck Bible, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Scripture Matters: Authority, Content, Canon, and Translations of the Bible, by Michael T. Shelley (pdf)
“I Have Left My Heart in Syria”: Cornelius Van Dyck and the American Syria Mission, by Uta Zeuge-Buberl (pdf)
The Greek Texts of Eli Smith and Cornelius Van Dyck, by Joshua Yoder (pdf)
A Critical Investigation into the Manuscripts of the “So-Called” Van Dyck Bible, by David D. Grafton (pdf)
Contemporary Issues and Challenges in the Translation of an Arabic Bible, by John Daniel (pdf)
Book Reviews
Review of How the West Won by Rodney Stark, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Review of The Great and Holy War by Philip Jenkins, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Volume 1 (2014)
Various Articles
Message from the Editor, by Michael Parker (pdf)
Coptic-State Relations: Looking Back to Look Forward, by David D. Grafton (pdf)
A Brief History of Predestination in the Writings of John Calvin, by Mark Mark Nygard (pdf)
An Invitation to Read Herman Bavinck in the Middle East, by Willem J. de Wit (pdf)
Book Review: Review of American Evangelicals in Egypt by Heather J. Sharkey, by Stanley H. Skreslet (pdf)
General editor: Michael Parker ([email protected])
Assistant editor: Selvy Amien Nasrat
Editorial committee: Hani Yousef Hanna and Tharwat Waheeb Wahba